=== Elementor Header & Footer Builder === Contributors: brainstormforce, Nikschavan Tags: elementor, header footer builder, header template, footer template, elementor widget, WordPress header, WordPress footer, elementor menu, website header design, footer design, blocks Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/BrainstormForce Requires at least: 4.4 Requires PHP: 5.4 Tested up to: 5.9 Stable tag: 1.6.10 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Create Header, Footer and Blocks for your WordPress website using Elementor Page Builder for free. ## Description ## Have you ever imagined you could create your website header and footer with Elementor for FREE? Elementor Header & Footer Builder is a simple yet powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to create a layout with Elementor and set it as - Header - Footer - Block (anywhere on the website) = Create Attractive Designs = Elementor editor gives you the flexibility to design beautiful sections. Using it you can create out of the box header and footer designs. = Pick Display Locations = Want to display a custom header template only on the homepage or on the blog archive page or on the entire website? Well, this plugin allows choosing a specific target location to display header and footer on. = Add Elementor Blocks Anywhere = Apart from header and footer, you can design custom templates with Elementor and set it at any place on the website with a shortcode. = ‘Before Footer’ Template = Along with the main footer, the plugin gives the additional area - above the footer - where you can append your custom template. This gives great flexibility in footer design. = Available With Elementor Canvas Template = Your custom header/footer layout can be easily displayed on the pages where Elementor Canvas Template is enabled. = Comes With Inbuilt Widgets = The plugin offers inbuilt widgets that help to create header/footer layouts. These widgets offer basic required features so you don’t have to look for extra plugins.
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